Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Saviour


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The Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Saviour, an outstanding monument of Russian classicism, was consecrated on May 25, 1819.
On September 30, 1824, on the cathedral porch Bishop Dionysius welcomed Emperor Alexander I, who had arrived in Perm. The Bishop greeted the monarch: “At last the God Almighty has granted this city the happiness of seeing you, most pious monarch, your strength and your glory.” As the Russian literary magazine Notes of the Fatherland wrote, at the exit “the Tsar was greeted with a loud exclamation of “Hurray!”; thousands sought to approach His carriage, to see their Great, magnanimous Tsar, and escorted His Majesty to the very apartment with expressions of their loyal devotion, various good wishes.”
On May 24, 1837, on the cathedral porch Bishop Arcadius welcomed the heir to the Russian throne, Tsesarevich Alexander Nikolayevich, the future Emperor Alexander II. Later, his sons, Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, and then Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich, attended the cathedral.
On June 11, 1887, in the Cathedral Square, Bishop Ephraim welcomed the Chairman of the State Council, Field Marshal Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich and his son, Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich who had arrived in Perm. His Grace Bishop Ephraim presented Mikhail Nikolayevich with the icon of St. Archangel Mikhail, and Sergei Mikhailovich – with the icon of St. Stephen of Perm the Great. At the invitation of the bishop, the grand dukes entered the cathedral altar, examined the antiquities and jewels that the cathedral had inherited from the ancient Pyskor Monastery, as well as the wooden staff of St. Stephen.
In the early evening of July 12, 1914, on the cathedral porch, Bishop Palladius with all the clergy of the city welcomed Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, Chairwoman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society, abbess of the Martha and Mary Convent of Mercy. In the cathedral, the august guest listened to St. Stephen of Perm the Great prayer service for many years to the Emperor and the entire reigning House, and with deep reverence kissed the cathedral objects of worship.

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