Perm Government Boards


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At the beginning of the 19th century, the building, which now houses the Perm City Duma and the administration of Perm, was known as the Inspectors’ House and at that time consisted of two floors. It was here that an apartment was arranged for Emperor Alexander I, who came to Perm in September 1824. On the evening of September 30, the monarch arrived in Perm. The chambers for the Emperor were arranged on the top floor, the windows overlooked Sibirskaya Street. In response to loud cheers, Alexander I went out onto the balcony more than once and greeted those gathered with a bow. The Mayor of Perm Dmitry Emelyanovich Smyshlyaev, together with the city society, met the monarch with bread and salt and a live sturgeon with a sterlet of unusual size, and Bishop Dionysius presented the icon of St. Stephen of Perm the Great.

On October 3, to the church bells ringing at 7 o’clock in the morning, Alexander I went out onto the porch of his Perm residence, which the locals had already begun to call the palace; at the time, thousands of enthusiastic exclamations were heard simultaneously from citizens, who were waiting for the monarch to appear. The Emperor bowed several times to those gathered, got into the carriage and set off on his further journey. Perm citizens saw off their monarch with tears in their eyes. Soon, having passed the Kazan outpost, Emperor Alexander I left Perm.

The main person of the monarch’s retinue during his journey was the Сhief of the General Staff, Adjutant General Baron Ivan Ivanovich Dibich, Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the foreign campaigns of the Russian army of 1813-1814, later Сommander-in-Сhief of the Russian troops during the victorious Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829, Field Marshal Count Dibich-Zabalkansky.

The Perm Government Boards and Treasury later were located in the Inspectors’ House, the temporary imperial residence of 1824.

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